La storia dell'antico "coazz" della Brianza, detto Sperada o "Raggiera",
generalmente fabbricato in argento, rame o metalli più poveri.
La SPERADA è composta da:
"... I neri e giovani capelli, spartiti sopra
la fronte, con una bianca e sottile drizzature, si ravvolgevan, dietro
il capo, in cerchi molteplici di trecce, trapassati da lunghi spilli d'argento,
che si dividevan all'intorno, quasi a guisa de' raggi d'un aureola, come
ancora usano le contadine del Milanese. ... "
![]() We look forward to hearing from anyone who as information
about the theme of this Exibition.
The story of the ancient "coazz" from the Brianza region, called "Sperada". Braid or plait made out of silver, copper and poorer metals. It's made out of: - an large needle and two hat pins with olives at the extremities, called "sponton" or "guggion", and was given as a gift to young daughters by their parents; - a pair of hat-pins (literally "small swords") given to the girl by her fianceè. From that moment the girl was a "promised bride"; - spoon-shaped hat-pins, called "fusellini" or "spazzaorecc". The bridge groom gave them to the bride on their wedding day. It is said that young girls and women, even the poorest, gave up important objects, but not the "Sperada".
In his "Promessi Sposi", Manzoni described
Lucia like the following:
"... The jet-black, young hair, divided on
the forehead, with a white and thin drizzature, were curled upon themselves
behind her head, in multiple circular braids, penetrated by long silver
hat-pins, which were divided on the outside, as if they were the rays from
a halo, in the manner still employed by the peasant girls from the "Milanese"
region...... " (Ch. II)
scrivere, giocare un tempo..."
Questa Mostra venne allestita presso l'Arengario di Monza (20 Dicembre
1994 - 31 Gennaio 1995) ed ora Rivive per Voi !